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Fluid Physics Laboratory at VT, 800 ft2 of lab space, is equipped with facilities for micro/nano and optofluidic technology development. The lab is equipped with two fume hoods. Other relevant facilities and equipment available in this lab include:

  • Micro-particle image velocimetry (mPIV) system: The mPIV system includes Solo III-15 Nd: YAG Laser System (New Wave Research), Synchronizer (Labsmith LC880, eight-channel programmable experiment controller) and CCD Camera (NX3S3-M-3.0GB MotionXtra NX4-S3, Speed Grade 3, 10 bit mono, 1280 x 1024 3.0GB Memory @ 3,000 fps).
  • Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging (SPRi) system with high resolution of 10 mm x 10 mm.
  • Zeta-20 3D Imaging & Metrology System (KLA Corporation): The Zeta-20 is a fully integrated microscope based system that provides 3D imaging and metrology capability in a small, robust and cost effective package. The lateral resolution is 4.1mm (2.5x) to 0.37mm (100x).
  • Atomic Force Microscope (Park Systems XE7): Park XE7 provides accurate measurement at highest nanoscale resolution than any other products in its class. It allows to obtain sample images and its characteristic measurements true to its nano structure thanks to its flat, orthogonal, and linear scan measurements by its unique AFM architecture: independent XY and Z, flexure based scans. Furthermore, Park's unique True Non-Contact™ mode provides with the sharpest images, scan after scan without declining resolution.
  • Plasma cleaning system (PDC-001-HP, Harrick Plasma, Inc.) with dry oxygen service pump (PDC-OPD).
  • Optical trap kit (custom configuration, Thorlabs, Inc.)
  • Holographic Optical Tweezer (HOT) system (Cobolt Samba 532 nm 300 mW laser, Fiber Coupl Kineflex APC 532 nm HPV)
  • Pulse heat soldering machine (PHM 1-1, Fancort Industries, Inc.)
  • High-speed CCD camera (Phantom Miro M310)
  • LCOS-SLM (JD8554 SDK, Jasper Display)
  • Spin processor (Model WS-650Mz-23NPP, Laurell Technologies Corp.)
  • Theta optical tensiometer (T200, Biolin Scientific)
  • High-precision Abbe refractometer (Atago 1230 3T, 0 to 95.0% Brix, 1.3000 to 1.7000 RI)
  • Refrigerated and heated bath circulator (Cole-Parmer® Polystat® Cooling/Heating Circulating Bath, 6.5-liter, Standard Digital, -20 to 100°C, 115V 60 Hz)
  • Handheld digital microscope (Dino-Lite Edge AM4515ZTL 5X~140X LWD)
  • IR camera (Thermacam SC1000)
  • Microscope (Nikon LV-150)
  • DC/AC multichannel controller (128 channel, square wave, -50V to +50V)
  • Optical table (TMC 783-655-02R) with Gimbal PistonTM Isolators (TMC 14-416-35)
  • Muffle furnace (Certified Material Testing Products BCL-706) Digital, Max. 2300F (1260 °C), 115V/60Hz
  • 3D printer (UP! Mini fully assembled 3D printer, 4.75" x 4.75" x 4.75" maximum build dimensions, 0.20-mm maximum resolution, 1.75-mm ABS, PLA)
  • Ultrasonic Cleaner (Cole-Parmer EW-08895-43, Heater/Digital Timer; 0.75 gal, 115V)
  • Medifuge™ Small Benchtop Centrifuge (Thermo Fisher Scientific 75008801)
  • Dynamic signal analyzers, impedance analyzers, lock-in amplifiers and analytical microbalance